Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
29964 Department of Anatomy laboratory Faculty of Medicine, 38071 Tenerife
17086 Department of Anatomy laboratory Xi'an 710032
28303 Department of Anatomy laboratory 6526 ED Nijmegen
27114 Department of Anatomy laboratory The University of Hong Kong, Laboratory Block, 1/F, 21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong, SAR, China
8635 Department of Anatomy laboratory No.1838, Guang Zhou Avenue North, Guang Zhou 510515
82859 Department of Anatomy laboratory Brusels
57990 Department of Anatomy laboratory Shiga
57991 Department of Anatomy laboratory
85557 Department of Anatomy laboratory Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Al Ain
84737 Department of Anatomy laboratory Rotterdam
98390 Department of Anatomy laboratory Hokkaido
127465 Department of Anatomy laboratory Kita-15 Nishi-7 Kita-ku Sapporo 060-8638
110746 Department of Anatomy laboratory Szigeti ut 12 Pécs 7643
156957 Department of Anatomy laboratory Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR
113898 Department of Anatomy laboratory Cologne
120175 Department of Anatomy laboratory
119248 Department of Anatomy laboratory Kitasato
131308 Department of Anatomy laboratory Galway
142805 Department of Anatomy laboratory
204759 Department of Anatomy laboratory Cambridge CB2 3DY
187099 Department of Anatomy laboratory
198914 Department of Anatomy laboratory
189037 Department of Anatomy laboratory San Francisco, Californie
255656 Department of Anatomy laboratory Hannover
19018 Department of Anatomy laboratory
211877 Department of Anatomy laboratory Bristol, BS8 1TD
211880 Department of Anatomy laboratory Bristol
329158 Department of Anatomy institution
415078 Department of Anatomy laboratory
435087 Department of Anatomy laboratory
441294 Department of Anatomy institution Faculty of Medicine - University of Genève
460282 Department of Anatomy department Tokyo
497487 Department of Anatomy laboratory
493354 Department of Anatomy laboratory College of MedicineWashington District of Columbia
1144559 Department of Anatomy laboratory Old Westbury
12052 Department of Anatomy laboratory Baltzerstr. 2, 3000 Bern 9
181408 Department of Anatomy laboratory Rio